
42 www.army.mil/publications The Nation’s strength starts here. www.army.mil/facesofstrength He could have been ministering to a Parish back home, but Chaplain Masaki Nakazono chose to serve in the Army - and found himself stationed in the Iraqi city of Heit. He lays his life on the line daily, traveling unsecured roads without a weapon to visit Soldiers at forward posts and meeting with local religious leaders to break down cultural barriers. Platoon Sergeant Phillip Dentis discovered the value of Captain Nakazono’s spiritual guidance when his roommate was killed in action. “If he had not been there, I just would have gone to shambles,” Dentis says. “You can see that he cares.” Nakazono lives the Warrior Ethos and knows that the bond between Soldiers goes beyond risks and hazards. CPT Masaki Nakazono
