
HOrOSCOpeS nOVeMBer 2014 Things aren’t exactly where you want them on the job? Practice patience. It’s OK to do the same thing over and over again; this kind of work ethic pays off in the long run. Socially, it’s time to meet new people. A Sagittarian makes a friendly overture this month. Accept. Too much work and not enough play isn’t a good situation for any - one, Taurus, especially not for someone who’s been going at it for as long and as hard as you have. Take a break. Use this month to plan a special trip — and make it a long one. There will be plenty of time for work when you return. If finances aren’t looking too good this month, it may be worthwhile to make a new plan. Take time out to budget your expenses for the month — or the year. Feeling creative? Make a flowchart and start noting where those unaccounted-for pennies are going. You’ll probably be surprised with the outcome. This is not the month to be your usual practical self; it’s a month to treat yourself right. Is work stressing you out? Call in sick and enjoy some downtime. Your romantic outlook is good for the coming weeks, but move slowly if you want to secure victories in matters of the heart. You seem to be doing a lot of talking lately, Leo, and not enough listening. Wise up. A Gemini friend comes to you for career advice. You have the chance to play a starring role behind the scenes this month, a contrast from the spotlight you’re accustomed to. Don’t blow it. Work isn’t everything — practice reminding yourself of this fact over and over again. You’ll find things changing from stressful to dull often this month, and that’s OK. Don’t forget you can make your own challenges outside the workplace. Plan things to look forward to. New romance looks promising. Slow down, Libra. You’re trying too hard to do too many things — romance, work, friends, family, hobbies and downtime. There’s time for it all, but not in one day. Use this month to take time out for yourself. The weekend is a great time to focus on romance, but if things don’t go the way you want, don’t force it. Instead, let go. If you think you’ve got the blues this month, try not to give in. In - stead, focus on things that make you feel happy. It’s a great time to make efforts in health and fitness. Start a diet. Maybe even look into signing up for a class. Don’t be afraid to put yourself first this month; it’s a wise investment. Tired of trying to please an impossible boss? Don’t. Do things as you know how, and let him or her fix the rest. And definitely don’t take the aggravation home with you. Also, if your boss happens to be a Taurus, watch out for meddling. Know where to draw the line, and stand by it. It’s your own fickleness that’s driving you crazy. Figure out what you really want. Trying new things has never been hard for you; it’s sticking to them that’s your problem. Want advice? Slow down, and set aside a period of time for that new activity — and don’t back down until the time’s up. If you feel like you’re just going through the motions in romance this month, bring your heart back into the picture. You’re hit with some serious relationship questions. Think before you answer. Honesty and sincerity are the only ways to obtain the closeness you so desire. Weigh your options carefully. Romance not going your way? Things can change this month, but it’s up to you. Are you going to keep dwelling on the past, or will you look to the future for happiness? It’s your choice. Don’t know where to look? Check right under your nose — you’ll like what you see. Aries March 20 - April 20 Taurus April 21 - May 21 Cancer June 22 - July 22 Gemini May 22 - June 21 Scorpio October 24 - November 22 Leo July 23 - August 23 Virgo August 24 - September 23 Libra September 24 - October 23 Capricorn December 22 - January 19 Sagittarius November 23 - December 21 Aquarius January 20 - February 18 Pisces February 19 - March 19