
What’s in this issue CONTENTS I N S I G H T C O V E R S T O R Y W E L C O M E 04 EDITORIAL: DOwNwARD SpIRAL Traditional media’s dependence on advertising is leading to the slow death of journalism in Korea 10 KEy pEOpLE Introducing some of the editors, writers and photographers behind the November issue 11 ThE INbOx Opinions and feedback from readers 12 MuST READS A selection of our editors’ favorite articles 14 ON ThE COvER 18 whAT’S ON Festivals, concerts, happy hours, networking and events for every day of the month 20 ThE NEwS Chasing Chinese at sea is perilous; nuclear fraud figures back on job; KCTU says abuse of watchmen must cease; in college admissions, lies outsmart 40 GROOvE ON wITh DAN DEACON Electronic music maestro Dan Deacon kicks off Groove Korea’s new concert series with a Nov. 28 show at FF in Seoul. 42 AGAINST ThE CuRRENT Multimedia artist Bright Baek puts her past behind her and sets her sights on Seoul’s visual art scene. 44 CANNIbAL hEART Between their following in Hongdae and their crowd-friendly sound, this alt rock outfit is ready to eat your heart out. 46 whILE ThEy wATChED For his upcoming documentary, Jake Smith takes on a topic that hits close to his adopted home on the peninsula: human rights abuses in North Korea. 48 ARTIST’S JOuRNEy Creative multitasker Michael Downey takes no prisoners in Seoul’s expat theater hotbed. 50 AT ThE bOx OffICE “Interstellar” (Nov. 6) “Dumb and Dumber To” (Nov. 27) 51 DvD CORNER “The Client” (의뢰인) “The Attorney” (변호인) M u S I C & A R T S 24 SENDING MONEy OvERSEAS If you’re fortunate enough to have some spare won to transfer abroad, Groove offers advice on how to get it there. 26 KOREA’S MEDIA MALAISE Seen by some as the most liberal media in Asia, the Korean news industry battles high levels of government censorship and low audience expectations. 44 N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 4ISSUE 97 Check out our GrooveCast episodes on these stories at groovekorea.com. 40 26