
September 2014October 2014 Evolution, devolution, revolution See you in Sejong Korean punk struggles forward August 2014 An oasis out of the ashes At home in Korea Smoothie party! Tracing an unknown past Silversmithing in Bali Vegan eats, vegan drinks, vegan love Cover illustration by Rob Green Cover design by park Seong-eun O u R P A S T T H R E E I S S u E S In the immediate aftermath of the Sewol ferry disaster, many Ko- reans found themselves overwhelmed with grief, anger and, espe- cially painful for the victims’ families, confusion. The coverage of the accident displayed the kind of frantic reporting that audiences have come to expect from tragic events, but there was something more: seemingly deliberate deception. The Korean media system, shaped during Japanese imperial rule and managed at arm’s reach from the government since then, has evolved into an industry with few watchdogs and even fewer whistle-blowers. Groove explores the sickness creeping through the body of Korean media, and how to beat the infection. C o V E R Read the story on page 26. Korea’s media malaise