
www.groovekorea.com / October 2014 86 Edited by Jenny Na (jenny@groovekorea.com) COmmuNITy t a k i n g a W a l k o n t h e u r b a n s i d e Story by Jaime Stief / Photos by Merissa Quek and Elizabeth Groeschen N ot everyone who relocates to Korea arrives with ambitious plans for their time abroad. Charlie Usher certainly didn’t: When the Wisconsin native’s first two-year stint ended in 2007, he left feeling like he’d missed out on a lot of what Seoul had to offer. It was when he returned in 2009 that he came with a project in mind, something that could push him outside his previous boundaries and that he would be excited to stick with. It is from this goal of broadening his perspective that the Seoul Sub-Urban project was born. blogging project seoul sub-urban documents life through the city’s subWay system