
F or a medical practitioner, Dr. Song Jae-chul knows a lot about windows. His passion, he says, is providing nutritional assistance to those who fall within the “window period,” or the years when preventative medicine can make the biggest impact on a person’s quality of life. It is the people in this window that have inspired him to open his facility, Dr. Paul. Based in Bundang in the outskirts of Seoul, the doctor specializes in rehabilitative medicine and non- invasive surgery — that is, restorative health, or the things we do every day to keep ourselves healthy and prevent disease. Dr. Paul is a drug store named after Dr. Linus Paul- ing, an American scientist who won the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1954. Pauling was a long-time ad- vocate of vitamin supplements and their ability to im- prove overall health. For Dr. Song, the combination of supplements and sound medical advice are what’s missing in many people’s health regimens. “There is no dispute that healthy nutrition is the best way to stay healthy,” he explains, “but it’s often hard to balance nutrition with people’s busy social lives.” Dr. Song’s professional career has not only put him in contact with people suffering from serious diseas- es, but also with those in peak physical condition. His background in preventive medicine helps him with his second occupation as the Korean national volleyball team physician. While some might think the hardest strain on the players is the physicality of their sport, www.groovekorea.com / August 2014 44 nutrItIon boon In bundang Dr. Song opens Korea’s first doctor-run supplement facility Story by Jaime Stief / photos courtesy of Dukhwa