
http://openradar.appspot.com/faq http://source.android.com/community/ http://html5test.com/results-mobile.html https://wiki.mozilla.org/WebAPI O’Reilly Media, Inc. 3/9/2012 customer-confidential data to be openly searched to see if your bug has already been filed (http://openradar.appspot.com/faq). Android Even though the Android default browser is based off of WebKit, as of this writing, its implementation of HTML5 specifications is just starting to beef up in version 4. As Android evolves, we can rest assured that the coming HTML5 implementations will evolve with its community. But for now, Android devices are horribly fragmented and HTML5 support varies on devices and OS versions. http://source.android.com/community/ Mobile Firefox Mozilla has been around for a while and is stronger than ever in focusing on community efforts and pushing the web forward. As of this writing, Mobile Firefox has trumped iOS’s Mobile Safari in terms of implemented HTML5 features. Figure 2-2. From http://html5test.com/results-mobile.html This dethroning will continue to happen as the Mobile Web moves forward and evolves — and it’s a good thing. We want competition and standards progression. Mozilla is no stranger to the evolution of the Mobile Web with the ambitious new project called WebAPI (https://wiki.mozilla.org/WebAPI). The WebAPI project is a set of APIs for accessing device functionality usually accessible only for native applications. In summary, it’s an HTML, CSS, JavaScript based OS for mobile devices! It’s yet another 4



