
BCI8 JETS NOW SERVING KOREA ONLY ON NORTHIVEST Orient AIRLINES NORTHlVEST Orient AIRLINES is proud to announce the inauguration of lIs B|G lNTERNATl。NAL DC·8 JET SERVICE FOR KOREA Korea’s Jhrst pure J-et sem.ce. . . on NORTHWEST. . . notel makes it possible to ‘@ to TOκYO t-R l hour 45 min and to the U.S.A. in less than 8 hours ! TWO jETS WEEKLY . . . N。nday . . . Saturday Also DC-7C Service. . . Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday M@II뻐W톨gTe짧“t AlRll”톨S IlCKET OFF|CE; Bando Hotel. Rmm 1OO TELEPHOHE. 2‘2I29 DC-8 셋트旅客機 西jt船空만이 韓國에 就械 韓國에 처음 就械하는 西北械空 자랑의 젠트旅客機 --- …康京까지 1時間 45分, 그리 고 美國까지 는 8時間內에 휠j훌훌 -週日에 二번 就械------月魔日과 土魔日 또한 DC·7C機는 火, 7k, 金魔 日 에 ! 西jk뻐t효콘會社 半島호델 서 울 電 2-715o