
C J REAL ESTATE- Management Agency Agree ment (The Property, Stock & Business Agents Act 2003 requires all of agent‘s instructions to be in the form of a written agreement) BETWEEN Of home: work: Mailing Address: Fax: mob: email: (Hereinafter referred to as the ―PRINCIPAL‖ alternatively referred to in this agreement in the f irst person ie. we/our/us etc) The Principal warrants that they have the authority to enter into this agre ement. We are not registered for GST. (ABN not required) AND: C J Int‘l Pty Ltd ABN 42 079 574 888, (hereinafter referred to as C J Real Estate of Shop 1, 18 Walker St, Rhodes NSW 2122, Phone no: 9739 6000. C J Real Estate is registered for the GST. IN RESPECT OF: (hereinafter referred to as the “PREMISES”) AGREEMENT: We appoint C J Real Estate and their employees and/or agents to let and manage the Premises from the date hereof for a period of 6-12 months (‗Minimum Term‘) and thereafter continuing until we t erminate C J Real Estate appointment by giving one month‘s written notice of termination. If we ter minate the Agreement prior to the expiration of the Minimum Term, for any reason other than C J Re al Estate‘s unequivocal breach of a material term, then we agree to pay C J Real Estate, the Early Termina tion Fee. RENT & TERM: We authorise C J Real Estate to endeavour to let the premises for a term of 6 –12 months at a market rental in the vicinity of________ - _______ or at a rental we otherwise instruct. Furthe rmore we authorise C J Real Estate to relet the premises at a market rent for 6-12 months thereafter. INSPECTION: C J Real Estate shall organise for prospective tenants to view the Premises. EACH TENANCY: C J Real Estate and each of their employees are authorised by us to do whatever is legally nece ssary to effectively and professionally manage the Premises. This includes but is not limited to: - Selecting tenants after seeking and attempting to verify references; enter into & sign agreements in res pect of the letting of the premises; collect rent, bond monies or any other monies; Lodge and make claim for refunds of the bond; represent us before the Residential Tenancies Tribunal or at any Court/Tribu nal; Serve notices and terminate tenancy agreements on our behalf; periodically review the rent of the Pre mises and increase appropriately; do all things that are necessary to commence and complete proceedin gs for the recovery of possession or the recovery of monies due; arrange repairs. REPAIRS: C J Real Estate will make reasonable efforts to contact us if repairs are necessary but if this is not possible C J Real Estate are authorised to spend up to $250 on our behalf without our prior a pproval or an additional amount if it is an emergency and the repair is urgent. PAYMENTS: C J Real Estate are authorised and instructed to pay the following from monies received on be half of the Principal; Yes No (a) Council Rates; □ □ (b) Water, sewerage and drainage rates; □ □ (c) Strata Levies; □ □ (d) Such other outgoings as the Principal may authorise □ □