
안중근의 군인관의 형성과 전개 68 군사연구 제129집 (Abstract) A study on Ahn Jung-geun’s Military Spirit - Shin Woon Yong - Ahn Jung-geun had spent his childhood in the family full of the military spirit. He said he liked four things most of all: having close friends; drinking, singing, and dancing; going hunting; and galloping around on fast horses. It was the basis of forming his military spirit. The acceptance of Catholicism in his life became the basis of the most remarkable growth. It was very significant for him to have both literary and military accomplishments Park Eun Sik, one of famous Korean Independence fighters said “Ahn Jung-geun is a genuine model of Korean soldiers.” Some Chinese said that Ahn Jung-geun was the ancestor of the Korean military. Therefore, this study describes Ahn’s tradition, the process of forming the military spirit, and manifestation of militarism in the period of the Enlightenment Movement. It also evaluates Ahn’s attitude and his domestic and international reputation as a soldier, based on investigation of wars of Righteous Army as a practice of militarism, the military spirit, Chung-cheon Alliance, and Ahn’s patriotic deed in Harbin. In conclusion, Ahn Jung-geun’s military spirit is that: “I concern only for national security”(國家安危勞心焦思), “A willingness to die for his nation is the obligation of military men”(爲國獻身軍人本分), “We have to give up our life for the nation in danger”(見利思義見危授命), and “General never retreats from war”(臨敵先進爲將義務). Key Words : Ahn Jung-geun, View as a Soldier, Militarism, Wars of Righteous Army, Military Spirit, Enlightenment Movement. ..