
군 역 사 및 역 사 일 반 군사연구 제129집 181 This research aims at historically examining guardian activities of protection of Dokdo for Republic of Korea homeland security. What is certain is the facts that it was not possible to perform substantial guardian activities during the US Military Administration in South Korea right after the Liberation, and that the substantial regulation on Japanese fishery, called “Macarthur Line,” prevented Japan’s possible plunder of Dokdo. Near 1953 when front lines were generally fixed, Ulleung Police Station organized Dokdo Patrol and strengthened guardianship of Dokdo, the security measures that escalated to a diplomatic issue when the reinforcement caused a series of frictions with Japanese Maritime Security Agency patrol boats. In the end, the Dokdo issue still remains unsettled despite 14-year-long Korea-Japan talks since 1951. It is of significance to clarify the historical origin of Dokdo, with realization that investigation of police history and determination to guard Dokdo as a part of Republic of Korea territory from the Liberation to the present is the important core of national territory protection and security. Key word:Dokdo, Dominium, Entity of Guardianship, Homeland Security, Republic of Korea, Japan ..