
안중근의 하얼빈의거와 순국 100주년의 성찰 112 군사연구 제129집 (Abstract) Reflection on 100-Year Anniversary of Ahn Jung-geun’s Patriotic Death - The Aim of Future Research of Ahn, Jung-geun - - Yoon Byung Seok - On March 26th, we have faced 100-year anniversary of Ahn’s patriotic death and on August 29th, we are going to face 100-year anniversary of being Japanese colony. Having met such historically significant events, we must establish a right status and reputation of Ahn and his heroic deed in Harbin. Compared to Japanese effort to raise Ito Hirobumi’s historic status, we have a lot of problems ahead. Especially following projects are the urgent ones to be completed. Firstly, a publishment of the complete collection of Ahn should be carried out immediately. Including books, poems, and autogrpahs of Ahn, the publishment will be a great help to the research of Ahn and to juvenile education. Secondly, a reconstruction of Ahn’s memorial hall is in process. It’s the third time aid from the National Pension and it shows the national desire for an exemplary memorial hall as of the patriotic martyr. Lastly, a profound study of Ahn’s deed in Harbin should be started. Ahn said that his killing of Ito Hirobumi was a righteous war for a peace of the East in his book, “An Essay on a peace of the East”. Thus the study should focus on the fact that Harbin incident is not only a patriotic deed, but also a part of the independence war. Therefore, we should point out Ito Hirobumi’s aggressive works and compare it to Ahn’s peace theory. The comparative study of Ito’s disguised peace theory and that of Ahn would be a key work to liquidate the history controversy between Korea and Japan. ..