
. 군 사 사 / 기 타 군사연구 제128집 287 Modern outlook of Yak-Yong, Jung’s military outlook (Focusing on Ahbangbiuhgo, Minbowee) Maj. Dae-bong Kim and Maj. Im-soo, Lee Army College To this day, many modern military experts discuss about need to have Korea's own military concepts that fit the need and situations of today. In this paper, Kim and Lee examines thoughts and concept of the scholar of Chosun dynasty, Yak-yong, Jung, and its relevance to modern geopolitical situation in Korea. Yak-yong Jung, had foreseen the Japanese invasion of 17th century and even the routes that the Japanese took to invade Korea. Through his idea, authors argue that Korea must not only develop defense strategies for North Korea's threat, but also threats around Korean peninsula in general.