
. 작전적 수준에서 재조명해 본 獨·佛戰役(1940) 146 군사연구 제128집 16. Young, Peter. World War 1939∼45. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1966. 17. Dupuy, T. N. A Genius For War. N. J.: Prentice - Hall, Inc., 1977. 18. Bond, Brian. “Battle of France” The Evolution of Modern Warfare. Kansas, Fort Leavenworth, CSI, 1989. 19. Mansoor, Peter R. “The Second Battle of Sedan, May 1940” Military Review June 1988. Kansas: Fort Leavenworth, 1988. 20. U.S Army, Large Unit Operations FM 100-6. Kansas: Fort Leavenworth, 1987. 21. US army, Operations. Washington, D.C.: Department of the army, 2008.